Reaction #3 - 11/19
Topic: Should schools be allowed to teach creationism alongside evolution as part of their science curriculum?
Background: Many Christians believe that the earth and all living things on it were created by God in seven days. This is denied by the theory of evolution. Since the origins and development of life are an important part of the school science curriculum, the question of what schools should and should not be allowed to teach is an important one. There are differences between the debate in Britain and in the USA. In Britain, schools must teach evolution as part of the National Curriculum, but are not barred from teaching creationism as well, and some religious schools, such as Emmanuel College in Gateshead, have done so, presenting creationism as fact and evolution as a matter of faith. In the USA, pressure has been put on school boards to enforce the teaching of creationism and evolution as equally controversial scientific theories (as in Ohio), or to remove evolution from the list of examination topics and therefore make it less likely to be taught (as in Kansas).
Please note: This argument you are trying to make is whether Creationism can be taught alongside Evolution as a scientific theory. You are NOT arguing your personal views, specifically.
Directions - go to the following LINK and read over the arguments.
YOUR REACTION: Based on your research, develop an argument FOR or AGAINST Teaching Creationism in Schools. Please submit your response to your blog.
Be prepared to discuss your argument with the class.