Topic: Biodiversity and Endangered Species - Should we be trying to prevent species becoming extinct? If so, why?
Background: 'Biodiversity' means the variety of bacteria, plants, and animals that live on our planet. This includes the unique behavioral patterns and activities of each species. Biodiversity is an ecological concept discussed in many scientific circles. Many debates about biodiversity will ultimately boil down to how important this diversity is, either for its own sake, or for some specific human benefits. International agreements such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) aim to protect biodiversity. Issues linked to this debate about biodiversity will also arise in debates on genetically modified food and on animal welfare.
Directions - go to the following LINK and read over the arguments.
YOUR REACTION: Develop and argument FOR or AGAINST the prevention of species extinction. Please utilize the data and research included in the above link.
Please submit your response to your blog. Be prepared to discuss your argument with the class.