Monday, May 19, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Metaphor #4 - THE RESOLUTION

Well, there you have it; the adventure has passed for the boys! These few months on the island have no doubt changed the lives of these boys. Today's metaphor is The Resolution. In much the same way that people make New Year's resolutions, I want you to make a resolution for your future.
So a quick review with metaphors in place:
- You CRASHED at the IKE BOX
- You met the INHABITANTS
- You talked about your SELF
Now you are ready to make your RESOLUTIONS. For this last portion of your Final Paper, please describe what the future holds for you and what you plan to do. You can discuss schooling options, job possibilities, and whatever else you see coming up in your life.
NOW!!!!!! All four of your metaphors are in place and ready to be joined together in a Final Paper. This work will probably be 2-3 pages in length and resemble a quick overview of your time at Fresh Start. Good luck with the work and thank you for letting me read Lord of the Flies to you.
Ron Burkhart
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Metaphor #3 - SELF

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Metaphor #1 - PLANE CRASH

As we have read through Lord of the Flies you may have noticed a lot of symbolism and metaphor - things are said to you or shown to you that may mean something else. The island, the pig's head, the parachutist, etc. could all be symbols or metaphors for something else.
I want to focus on metaphor. Over the next two weeks as we finish the novel, I want to hear from you about metaphors I give you.
The first metaphor is the PLANE CRASH. The boys' plane crashes on a deserted island at the start of the story; you crash landed at a new school. See the metaphor? I want you to write a good, solid paragraph or two about why and how you "crashed into" the IKE Box and Fresh Start. Why are you here and what happened? Over the next two weeks you will actually be writing your FINAL PAPER for Language Arts one section at a time. This is the first section. When you are finished with the 4 metaphors I give you, and have joined them all together,you will have a solid little essay to hand in. Have fun with metaphor #1 - PLANE CRASH!!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Endangered Species of Oregon

Topic: Endangered Species of Oregon
First, choose an Endangered Species of Oregon - see list provided by Ryan
Copy and Paste the following, then find the info:
(1) Species Common and Scientific Name:
(2) Habitat Description (where does it live)?:
(3) What caused it to become endangered?: