As we have read through Lord of the Flies you may have noticed a lot of symbolism and metaphor - things are said to you or shown to you that may mean something else. The island, the pig's head, the parachutist, etc. could all be symbols or metaphors for something else.
I want to focus on metaphor. Over the next two weeks as we finish the novel, I want to hear from you about metaphors I give you.
The first metaphor is the PLANE CRASH. The boys' plane crashes on a deserted island at the start of the story; you crash landed at a new school. See the metaphor? I want you to write a good, solid paragraph or two about why and how you "crashed into" the IKE Box and Fresh Start. Why are you here and what happened? Over the next two weeks you will actually be writing your FINAL PAPER for Language Arts one section at a time. This is the first section. When you are finished with the 4 metaphors I give you, and have joined them all together,you will have a solid little essay to hand in. Have fun with metaphor #1 - PLANE CRASH!!