Friday, February 29, 2008

Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage:

What is a Rite of Passage?

A rite is an official ceremony and a passage is moving from one place (childhood) to another (adulthood).

Culturally accepted: graduation, driver's license, job, marriage, etc.

  • What are some rites of passage you have experienced in your life? Explain the before and after effect as it changed your life.
  • What rite of passage are your looking forward to? Explain why.
Please have your work proofed prior to posting.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

U.S. Imperialism

United States Imperialism

Question to Ponder: Is the United States of America imperialist?

Background Info: The United States of America (US or USA) is in the process of staking out not just the globe but also the last unarmed spot in our neighborhood - the heavens - as a militarized sphere of influence. Our earth and its skies are, for the US administration, the final frontiers of imperial control. More and more people speak English and the American way of life has become the best export article of the US. The country's research and development is still the world leader in every field. Its international policies have recently become more unilateral. However, all these phenomena are not necessarily enough for us to say that the US is an empire; it is a mistake to mix primacy with imperialism. The USA, for now, has no formal political or economic control over other countries and denies any imperial impulse which might motivate it to acquire new territory overseas.

Please go to the following LINK to learn more about the topic.

Develop an argument FOR or AGAINST the topic of U.S. Imperialism. Please support your opinion with arguments listed on the above link.

Please have your work proofed prior to posting.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

When You Die

When You Die

Question to Ponder: How do you want people to remember you?

When your time has come and your life ends, how do you want people to remember you? What do you hope to accomplish in your life? Were you liked or disliked? Were you a positive contributor to society and your family? What was the number one thing in your life? Did you sit around waiting for things to happen or did you make things happen? Did you do what you loved most?

Please consider these questions above when you post your response.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Censorship of the Arts

Topic: Censorship of the Arts

Question to Ponder:
What is the right balance to strike between freedom of and restrictions upon artistic expression?

Background Info:
The concept of "censorship" is somewhat ambiguous but a better debate results if the Prop side takes the commonly accepted definition – that certain texts, images, or films should be banned. If "censorship" is defined as any form of regulation or law, then it becomes almost truistic as a definition, since the opposition would (if they accepted such a silly definition) have to argue that Art somehow exists above all laws.The Proposition can also include age restrictions as part of their definition of censorship. For example, certain texts, images, or films may only be viewable by people of a certain age, or under the grounds of official academic research.This debate sometimes becomes one about the broader concept of censorship, rather than a debate specifically about whether the arts should be censored. The debate can also go in other directions – some debates will instead evolve into a discussion about the nature of art and how we can decide that a work has redeeming artistic value.

Please go to the following LINK to learn more about the topic.

Develop an argument FOR or AGAINST the censorship of art. Please support your opinion with arguments listed on the above link.

Please have your work proofed prior to posting.

Parental Consent for Abortion

Topic: Parental Consent for Abortion

Question to Ponder:

Should parental consent be required for underage pregnant women to have abortions?


Teenage pregnancy is a stressful experience, and many people would agree that it would be sensible for a pregnant unmarried teenage girl to seek advice from a responsible adult. Parental involvement laws would make notification of pregnancy and consent for abortion from one or both parents mandatory. Such laws exist in 43 US states, but are enforced in only 32. Most of the statutes apply to young women under 18 and provide for a court bypass procedure should a young woman be unable to involve her parents. Most of them include exceptions for medical emergencies. In principle, of course, similar laws could be introduced anywhere where abortion is legal. The definition of underage will vary from culture to culture, and will need clear explanation by the proposing speakers.

Please note: You are not arguing the morality of abortion at this time. Assume that abortion is illegal. Argue for or against the requirement of parental consent of a pregnant teenager.

Please go to the following
LINK to learn more about the topic.

Develop an argument FOR or AGAINST the consent of parents when a teen has an abortion. Please support your opinion with arguments listed on the above link.

Please have your work proofed prior to posting.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Topic: The Legalization of Marijuana

Background Information:

The debate regarding the legalization of drugs, particularly that of soft drugs like cannabis (or marijuana) is capable of being characterized as one which pits the concept of freedom of the individual against the concept of a paternalistic State. Advocates of legalization argue, amongst other things, that cannabis is not only less harmful than legal substances like alcohol and tobacco, but as a matter of fact has been proven to possess certain medicinal properties. In stark contrast, those opposed to legalization argue that the legalization of cannabis will act as a precursor to increased addiction to hard drugs, and will necessarily lead to an increase in the crime rate itself.

Please go to the following
LINK to learn more about the topic.

Develop an argument FOR or AGAINST the legalization of marijuana. Please support your opinion with arguments listed on the above link.

Please have your work proofed prior to posting.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Genetically Modified Children

Topic: Genetically Modified Children

You are 21 years old and are given the opportunity to participate in an experiment in which your children will be genetically modified so that they become very attractive, super intelligent, and outstanding athletes All of your friends are given the same choice and some agree to go along with the experiment. What do you choose? (traits) What happens as a result of this experiment in 20 years time?

Be creative and use the learning you have had in class to enhance your response.

Please respond in complete sentences and have it proofed prior to posting.

Friday, February 8, 2008

McKinley Reflection - 2/8

McKinley Reflection

Please respond to the following three prompts:
(Please use examples as much as possible.)

(1) What did you like best about the experience at McKinley?

(2) What aspect of the experience was the most difficult for you?

(3) How do you think the 3rd graders benefited from you being there? List some benefits.

(Please respond in complete sentences and proof your work!)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I hate... 2/6

Please complete the following statement:

"What I really hate is... "

(consider all the things in your life that you really hate - what is it that destroys society and humanity?)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Love... 2/5

Please complete the following statement:

"What I really love is... "

(consider all the things in your life that you really love - objects, relationships, ideas, etc.)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Identical Twins - 2/4

Topic: Identical Twins

Two identical twins were separated at birth. A wealthy family raised one, and a very poor family raised the other. When they reach age 20, a research team is sent to investigate.

  • What do they find?
  • Be sure to compare and contrast the two individuals and predict how their lifestyles may or may not be different. Use examples.

(Please proof your work carefully before you post. Make it error-free!)

Friday, February 1, 2008

What do you value? - 2/1

What do you value?

Please identify three things you value: an object, a relationship, and an idea. Explain why you value these three things.

Prior to posting, please have your writing proofed for spelling, capitalization, punctuation and other typographical errors. Thank you!