Topic: Censorship of the Arts
Question to Ponder: What is the right balance to strike between freedom of and restrictions upon artistic expression?
Background Info: The concept of "censorship" is somewhat ambiguous but a better debate results if the Prop side takes the commonly accepted definition – that certain texts, images, or films should be banned. If "censorship" is defined as any form of regulation or law, then it becomes almost truistic as a definition, since the opposition would (if they accepted such a silly definition) have to argue that Art somehow exists above all laws.The Proposition can also include age restrictions as part of their definition of censorship. For example, certain texts, images, or films may only be viewable by people of a certain age, or under the grounds of official academic research.This debate sometimes becomes one about the broader concept of censorship, rather than a debate specifically about whether the arts should be censored. The debate can also go in other directions – some debates will instead evolve into a discussion about the nature of art and how we can decide that a work has redeeming artistic value.
Please go to the following LINK to learn more about the topic.
Develop an argument FOR or AGAINST the censorship of art. Please support your opinion with arguments listed on the above link.
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