United States Imperialism

Question to Ponder: Is the United States of America imperialist?
Background Info: The United States of America (US or USA) is in the process of staking out not just the globe but also the last unarmed spot in our neighborhood - the heavens - as a militarized sphere of influence. Our earth and its skies are, for the US administration, the final frontiers of imperial control. More and more people speak English and the American way of life has become the best export article of the US. The country's research and development is still the world leader in every field. Its international policies have recently become more unilateral. However, all these phenomena are not necessarily enough for us to say that the US is an empire; it is a mistake to mix primacy with imperialism. The USA, for now, has no formal political or economic control over other countries and denies any imperial impulse which might motivate it to acquire new territory overseas.
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