Topic: Parental Consent for Abortion
Question to Ponder:
Should parental consent be required for underage pregnant women to have abortions?
Teenage pregnancy is a stressful experience, and many people would agree that it would be sensible for a pregnant unmarried teenage girl to seek advice from a responsible adult. Parental involvement laws would make notification of pregnancy and consent for abortion from one or both parents mandatory. Such laws exist in 43 US states, but are enforced in only 32. Most of the statutes apply to young women under 18 and provide for a court bypass procedure should a young woman be unable to involve her parents. Most of them include exceptions for medical emergencies. In principle, of course, similar laws could be introduced anywhere where abortion is legal. The definition of underage will vary from culture to culture, and will need clear explanation by the proposing speakers.
Please note: You are not arguing the morality of abortion at this time. Assume that abortion is illegal. Argue for or against the requirement of parental consent of a pregnant teenager.
Please go to the following LINK to learn more about the topic.
Develop an argument FOR or AGAINST the consent of parents when a teen has an abortion. Please support your opinion with arguments listed on the above link.
Please have your work proofed prior to posting.